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Bad Date

Is Your Computer Support Guy Treating You Like A “Bad Date”? 

  • Not returning your calls fast enough… 
  • Constantly missing deadlines… 
  • Not fixing things right the first time… 
  • Never following up on your requests? 

I Want To Give You 2 FREE Hours Of Computer Support To Resolve Any IT Or Computer Issue You Have to Prove We Can Do A Better Job Than Your Current IT Services Company 

I have been in this business for over 25 years and it just amazes me how unreliable and arrogant some IT Service companies are… 

When you call them for help, you end up talking to their voicemail. When you finally get them on the phone, they make you wait hours, even days, before they actually resolve your problem. Sometimes, it never seems to get fixed, and it’s easier to find a workaround or simply fix it yourself than to call your IT provider! 

Even then, many of them take longer than they promised, nickel-and-dime you over everything, and, as a final insult, act like they’re doing you a favor! 

Enough Is Enough! 

It’s about time someone finally got it right. 25 years ago, we decided to start a “one-company revolution” and committed ourselves to delivering fast, affordable IT support to businesses that want IT problems to be handled quickly and correctly. 

Although I don’t think this is an amazing concept, it still surprises me how many so-called IT experts don’t get it right. The truth is, you shouldn’t have to tolerate (or pay for?) low-quality IT support. That’s why I’m sending this letter to you today. 

If you’ve outgrown your current IT provider and are experiencing chronic problems with your computer systems, I’d like to extend the following offer to you… 

As a prospective client, you are eligible for 2 FREE hours of network support to prove that we can solve your technology headaches better than your current computer support guy. 

Just call us the next time you find yourself dealing with an IT-related problem. At no charge, we’ll send one of our senior technicians to your office to diagnose and treat the problem. 

Why Are We Giving Away Free Support? 

Some people think we are crazy for offering free services. They say, “Aren’t you afraid people will just take advantage of you?” The truth is, some people might- but we know that most business owners are just honest people trying to find someone they can trust to fix and maintain their computer network. 

And since there’s a good chance you’ve been disappointed, let down, and even burned by a less-than-competent IT provider, I want to give you a risk-free way to “kick the tires” before you commit to anything. 

After All, Don’t You Want The Darn Thing To Work The Way It’s Supposed To? 

That’s why I’m making this offer. I know we are hands-down the best at what we do, but I don’t think it’s fair for you to risk your money to find out. I don’t expect everyone to become a customer, but I know that some will end up becoming loyal, long-term clients, just like many business owners in Covington, Conyers, and the surrounding areas.

How Can You Use Your 2 Free Hours? 

Maybe you don’t have an urgent problem that needs to be fixed right now. Maybe you think you have your computer network “handled.” Maybe you already have an IT company or person you’re relatively happy with. After all, if it ain’t broken, why fix it? I completely understand that point of view/so let me suggest how you can still profit from this offer… 

Even if you don’t have an immediate problem, you can use your 2 free hours of network support to have us conduct our proprietary 57-point IT Systems Security And Performance Assessment process, which I have perfected over the past 20 years. 

During this Assessment, we’ll look for hidden problems developing under the surface that could turn into bigger, more disastrous events that could cost you thousands in lost productivity, downtime, and computer repair bills. 

For FREE, We Will Come To Your Office And Answer Key Questions Such As: 
  • Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms, and even sabotage by’ rogue employees? If your current IT person hasn’t discussed and implemented a cybersecurity plan, your IT systems are probably not truly secured. 
  • Are your backups configured properly? Is 100% of your data being backed up in a way that ensures that you could be up and running again fast in a disaster? In 99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed over the years, the owners were shocked to learn this wasn’t happening. 
  • Are you unknowingly violating compliance laws for data privacy? Failure to put adequate protections in place to protect employee and client data can lead to expensive fines and litigation under several new laws written to protect sensitive data. 
  • Could you use cheaper and more efficient cloud-computing technologies to lower IT costs and facilitate remote work? 
  • Are your systems optimized for maximum speed and performance? 

Once we have a clear picture of the state, health, and performance of your current IT systems, we’ll deliver a customized IT optimization plan that will show you how to eliminate every single nagging problem, enable you to work more efficiently, and possibly even lower IT costs with smarter cloud solutions. And we’ll create this plan for you absolutely FREE. Here’s how to get started.

There Are No Strings Attached… 

Unfortunately, I can’t extend this offer forever because of the intense one-on-one time required to conduct these assessments. To secure your 2 free hours of network support, you MUST respond to this letter and activate your 2-free-hour support by either calling our help desk at 770-929-1155 Option 1 or booking a time slot that is convenient to you. Click HERE to book your slot, or email us at Whichever works best for you.

If you need immediate help, call our hotline at 770-929-1155 Option 1, and we’ll send someone to see you ASAP.

No Obligation

I want to be very clear that when you take us up on this offer, you are not expected to do or buy anything. In fact, I will give you my personal guarantee that you won’t have to deal with a pushy, arrogant salesperson because I don’t appreciate heavy sales pressure any more than you do. So go ahead and call us or book your 2-hour appointment online. You’ll be glad you did.

Fair Warning: This offer won’t be around forever We can only accept a limited number of 2-hour time slots as these services are not inexpensive.

Call us at 770-929-1155 Option 1 to book your review, email us at, or book your two hours online by clicking HERE.

We look forward to working with you.

Ken Holmes
CEO Selective Solutions LLC
Conyers GA